
Dragonrider, Bookworm and everything else exiting about me!!!

How a Dragon Hatches


This post will be about one of my favorite thingsĀ . Dragons!!! Writing all about dragons in this post would be way too much information at once. So this post will only focus on what happens when a dragon hatches and how long it takes for a dragon to get out of his egg. It is a very interesting process.

It takes exactly three years for a dragon in its egg to be ready to hatch and meet the world. In the process of hatching, the dragon egg may also change its colour. But it depends on the type of dragon. If you are willing to hatch a dragon, you will probably think:”Okay, if I find an egg, I will just stick it in the oven and wait.” But it is not that easy. First of all, a dragon that hasn’t hatched yet, will have to pick you. You are not the one to pick the egg. The oven where you keep the egg will need to be scalding and burn for three years in a row. Not as easy as you think. When the dragon comes out of its shell, you can tell its gender by its tail and horns. The male dragons have thicker horns than the female dragons.

Well, a lot of hard work to breed a dragon. I would still do it though because dragons are amazing creatures. I hope now you know that it is hard work to hatch a dragon and that you need to be very careful with little dragonlets. (Dragonlet is the name for a young dragon.)


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